Pirate Camp, presented by Barber County Extension, is Monday and Wednesdays June 12 through July 26, except for the 4th of July week! The program is one hour long from 1:00 to 2:00. See the flyer for more information.
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Author: Doris
All Together Now
It’s time!!!!! It is summertime and we are so excited about all the activities going on at Lincoln Library in the upcoming weeks!!!!
We have so much going on that we are kicking it off a little early this year!!!!! Signup for the summer reading program will start June 5th through June 10th, although we continue to sign readers up after that also!!! Exploration Place will be here for three days to catapult us into our summertime mode !!!!
On June 5, Exploration Place will be at the Christian Church from 1:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon where 6 stations will be set up for a fun-filled two-hour learning experience!!! This program will be for school-age children!
The following day, June 6th, Exploration Place will be at Lincoln Library for a Delta Dental Program!!!! This program will be for pre-K to 2nd grade! They will do activities and read from 9:30 to 11:00 in the morning and then be back at 1:00-2:30 in the afternoon to do a few station activities!!!! See this flyer for more information.
Wednesday, June 7th, Exploration Place will be back in Lincoln Library with a exciting science program for students going into grades 2 – 6! There is only room for 25 participants in this program so your child must be registered at exploration.org. Visit the website or refer to this flyer for more information.
Our summer reading program will have programming for preschoolers every Tuesday at 10:00, craft classes on Wednesday mornings at 10:00, and programming for school age children on Thursday mornings at 10:00! We will have games, prizes and a very wonderfully good time!!! See 2023 Summer Reading Program for more information.
Just to add the frosting on the cake, we will be doing a pirate camp this summer on Monday and Wednesdays starting June 12th through July 26th, except for the 4th of July week! The program will be one hour long from 1:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon and will be presented by Barber County Extension!!!! More details are on this flyer.
Although it is all geared to having fun and being entertained, it will also keep everyone’s mind sharp and ready when another school year rolls around!!!’ Give us a call or stop by and we will answer any questions you may have!!!