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Searching for the Facts

question markWhile hop-skipping through Facebook, I stopped to read a post by Brian Withrow. I always like talking with him and enjoy his relaxed manner of speech. He does a couple of sessions for the summer reading program and I’m always amazed how he can keep a room full of children buzzing around busy as bees while teaching them about the honey-producing insects. The thing that is really crazy is all the places he has gone and all the things he has done. He just isn’t the type of guy that toots his own horn, but I have run onto numerous Brian Withrow facts while doing research on other things! Now he lives here in our county and serves the northern part of the county in the position of president of the USD 254 school board. One of the points Brian made in his post was that we all have the tendency to gravitate towards the information the media is reporting that best reflects our beliefs, which unfortunately may exclude some important truths.

No one can deny that it only takes a very short stroll on Facebook, or other forms of media, to find that the unbelievable is being believed. Dishonesty, deceit, duplicity, and deception are intertwined with bits and pieces of truth and slanted in the direction in which the author leans. For example, if a sentence states, “Mary did not go, until after lunch,” leaving “until after lunch” out totally changes the statement. Much of the media leaves out little phrases here and there, and those phrases can make a big difference.

With the November election quickly approaching, not only does every citizen need to vote, every citizen needs to vote responsibly. We need to do our research and search amongst the fallacies for the facts.

It is all so overwhelming that it is hard to figure out where to start. Following are some websites that rely on the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN). The IFCN sets a code of principles that must be followed in order to remain a part of the network. The first is Politifact! This website rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics. Another one is They are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. They monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. A third is Check Your Fact. They primarily focus on hoaxes and political statements. Additional resources to check out are OpenSecrets, the Sunlight Foundation, Poynter Institute, and Ballotpedia. A good fact checking service will write with neutral wording and will provide unbiased sources to support their claims.

We have computers in the library for adults needing access to a computer. We are happy to help in any way we can to assist community members looking for correct political facts in preparation for the upcoming election!

Routine or Rut?

ruts in muddy roadThe definition of normal includes “the usual, average, or typical state or condition.” I think pretty much everyone would agree that the year 2020 does not fit anywhere into that definition. The end of the summer reading program brings some sadness as the hustle and bustle slows down. It also brings the desire to regroup and get back to normal. This year is no different; the feelings that come with the end of the summer program are mixed. The thing that is different is trying to figure out how to get back to normal. It certainly makes you consider and reconsider life! Is it our routines we are missing or is it our ruts? What is the difference between the two? Rut is a word that has a negative connotation as we do things we don’t want to do, and we feel stuck in the process. A routine is more positive, with some enjoyment attached. If we are in a rut more than a routine, maybe now is a perfect time to change the scenario; do something different.

Lincoln Library would love to be included in your change. If you need to print documents, need copies of documents, have documents to be notarized, or need to fax documents, we are the place to visit. We have dropped some magazines that were not popular with the patrons and have added others that seem to be. Get away from the screen and come into the library and sit down with a newspaper, magazine, or book. We can order nearly any book you want if we don’t have it. Walk the aisles between our shelves. Explore the hundreds of books for the perfect read for you for this exact time in your life. Check out a movie; we have over 2,000 to choose from. If you are out walking, we have a drinking fountain and a restroom.

Those small changes add up and will eventually boost you high enough to walk away from the rut. Then there is the thing that we would love to see you! I hope your week is good!